



Around Carlisle Prep, they know me as the one and only Laura C. Thompson.  Sometimes I go by Laur, but only my best friends have the privilege of calling me that.  I’m considered an “Army Brat” since my dad’s been in the military for all my life.  The downside is that I’ve had issues in the past about him being away on duty so much, but I’ve learned that there are a few bright sides to it, too.

My dad’s relocations have lead our family around the world; I don’t have enough fingers and toes to count the number of countries I’ve lived in and traveled to.  Though the places may change, the soldiers in my dad’s unit scarcely do and they’ve become like a second family to me.  I’d always been a bit of a tomboy when I was really little, but those guys made it even more so.  They, along with my dad, like to train me and keep me in “tip-top soldier shape” as they call it, which has turned me into a bit of a fitness fanatic.  They even taught me how to fight, which most definitely comes in handy whenever my older brother, Jason, and his friends come home from college during school breaks.  I love working out and, as advanced in martial arts and kickboxing as I am, help student teach classes at Carlisle Prep when I have time.

Outside of the gym, I’m a huge people person and am always really friendly with everyone I know and even more-so with The Monarchs.  “The Monarchs” is my group of best friends, consisting of Cosette Laurent, Anastasia Elingston, and then of course myself.  These girls know how emotionally strong I am, but are always there for me during those times that I do break, and I love them for it.

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